

Paul has invited again exquisite guests for his Vandit Night - Sander Kleinenberg and exclusively Aalto spinning alongside Paul van Dyk this night the turntables.

Sander Kleinenberg has currently released the 3rd part of his Four-Season-EP series and Aalto will present their current track "Rush", the fresh new tune on Vandit Records available from 12th of June this summer.

The night starts at 11 PM at the Casino Berlin. The complete line up is as follows:

11.00 PM - 01.45 AM Paul van Dyk 01.45 AM - 03.45 AM Sander Kleinenberg 03.45 AM - 04.15 AM Aalto (live) 04.15 AM - 09.00 AM Paul van Dyk


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Paul invites you to his regular party Vandit Night in Berlin where he presents guests from all over the world